So I set a goal for myself and told everyone that I was not going to come home until I accomplished this task. Well watch out Nebraska, I'm coming home because met the President of Estonia this afternoon!!! This has been the highlight of my study abroad experience. Now let me explain to you how this all played out.
Small World Story:
My mother was at a graduation party talking to one of her friends. She was explaining how I was studying in Estonia this semester and her friend asked her if I was in Tallinn. Let's face it, not many people know a whole lot about Estonia, so my mother asked what her connection was to Estonia. It turns out that she was very good friends with none other than the President's ex-wife! My mother told her about my dream of meeting the President so she said she would contact her friend to see if anything could happen. A few days later I received an email from the President's ex-wife with the President's email address and I was told to email him. I wrote him a message telling how thrilled I was to meet him if he had the time. His secretary (apparently Presidents don't answer their own emails) said "Mr. President could meet with you on June 3rd at 12:00." So off to Tallinn I went.
I took a bus at 8 am this morning to Tallinn giving me plenty of time to walk to the President's house by noon. I went to his house, but I was not sure where I needed to go so I called his secretary and she came downstairs to meet me. She told me that I needed to go through the front door. I was early because I wanted to make sure I knew where I was going, so I had to come back later. I was very surprised that I was just supposed to walk into the house of the President of Estonia. I'm pretty sure you can't do that at the White House. I was very hesitant to just walk in the front door of this man's house, so I went to the side door. I really was supposed to go through the front door because the security guard told me I was supposed to go through the front door. I was very nervous because there were 2 military men standing guard at the door, but I slowly made my way to the doors. The minute I walked up the steps the giant double doors opened like I was being expected. I walked into the house and was greeted by a nice man in a military suit. He had me set my backpack in the coat room and then led me upstairs to a waiting room-and I didn't even have to go through any security. The military man told me to make myself at home while I was I did. I got up and started wandering around his house and taking pictures. After about 10 minutes he told me the President was ready to see me. I walked into his office and there he was! I gave him my mother's books as a thank you for taking the time to meet with me and then he invited me to sit down with him.
The next part is a little hazy because I was just too excited to be sitting and talking with the President. But, we talked about why I came to Estonia and what I have been studying and then he told me about some beautiful places that I should visit if I have time-like the many little islands of Estonia. I talked with him for about 20 minutes before he had to be on his way to another meeting. The military man led me back downstairs and thanked me for coming and I went on my way with a giant smile that has yet to leave my face.
It was truly an amazing experience and something I will remember for the rest of my life!
The "White House" with the 2 military guards in the front.
Getting ready to go in the house.
I wandered around to a window over looking his beautiful backyard.
The Grand Staircase.
The military man's hat.
The doors to the Office of the President.
Mr. President Thoomas Hendrik Ilves
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