Friday, May 7, 2010


I had the best 21st birthday I could have ever hoped for!! My birthday started off on Friday night with going to the club and dancing the night away. I slept in Saturday morning and then Sean, Hannah, and I all went to go workout. Corey and Kayla were on a cruise in the Mediterranean, so they missed the birthday celebration. After we went to work out, we came back and made lunch and had a relaxing afternoon until I was kicked out of my room for a birthday surprise. My mom sent what I would like to call "birthday in a box" so I was sent away while Hannah and Sean set up the surprise. I went to the park in the center of the city for about an hour with my computer to hang out. I came back to the room to find streamers all over the place and balloons everywhere. It was awesome! However, I must say that the best thing inside the "birthday in a box" was the "pin the tail on the donkey" game! After the excitement of the surprise we all got ready to go to dinner at a delicious Chinese restaurant. We came home from the Chinese restaurant and we tried to make ourselves some Mojitos. Mojitos must not be a popular drink in Estonia because we had a hard time finding the ingredients. Apparently mint leaves are not common here so instead, we had to find a plant that was related to the mint family. They don't just sell the mint leaves, oh no, we had to buy a whole plant in a pot. Our attempt at making Mojitos wasn't a complete fail. They were pretty good for our first attempt and we had fun trying to make them. We continued celebrating by playing "pin the tail on the Donkey." I've never been good at that game, but it was still fun to be a little kid again. My mom sent us Little Debbie for dessert in the "birthday in a box" and they were delicious! We spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing until about 2am and then called it a day. It was a very special birthday and something I will always remember!

My other favorite part of the box was the golden crowns! We all wore our crowns all night.

I LOVE donuts!

Sean and I on our way to the Chinese restaurant.

Hannah and I on our way to the Chinese restaurant.

Pin the tail on the donkey! Highlight of the night!


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