Thursday, February 18, 2010


I had my first experience at a local pub this evening at 12am. The pub is near the city center and it is a huge tavern built inside of a huge hill that we walk up and down daily. It is actually the world's highest pub which used to be a gunpowder vault that was carved into the city hillside in the mid-18th Century. I'm not one for alcohol and partying but it was a fun experience. There was a live band playing and they had bull riding down on the main floor. I wanted to show them how we roll in Nebraska, but I was too tired. Maybe next time. The main reason we went to this pub was because they sold giant beer mugs that have an Estonian beer logo on them. No worries, I only bought the mug...without beer in it. Its a huge glass mug. I would guess it is a liter, however I still suck at using whatever measuring system they have here so I can't be sure, but it's huge.

Today was a large step for me in conquering the Estonian language. The teacher had us learn 36 new words like cat, tree, woman, ship, just common words in Estonian. As I said before, there are 14 different forms for every verb and we learned 3 of them for all of the new words. We learned about the genative and partitive and I can't even tell you what they mean. But, I was asked to read the different forms of one of the words and I just made it up as I read because I have NO idea how to pronounce it and it just so happens that the teacher said I had perfect pronounciation. She has yet to tell that to any other students. I can assure you that I will probably never hear those words again reguarding my pronounciation but it sure made my day.

The Gunpoweder Cellar

Me, Kayla, Corey, and Sean.

Bull riding

She wasn't very good. She lasted 20 seconds and it wasn't even going fast.

The Gunpowder Cellar and everyone dancing and listening to music.

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